Is This The Best Broadleaf Weed killer For Your Lawns? You Be The Judge

If your lawn suffers from broadleaf weeds… such weeds like dandelions, clover, creeping charlie (ground ivy) then this post is just for you.

Today I’m going to tell you how to kill these weeds, roots and all with the least amount of work using the best broadleaf weed killer that won’t kill your lawn.

Now this may sound like an impossible task but if you know what you are doing and using what the pros use you’ll have the best looking lawn in your pad for 2020

Best Broadleaf Weed killer For Lawns

With a ton of different weed killers on the market today its hard to choose which is the best one.

One of the most important steps to getting a nice looking weed is to able to control your weeds.

Because if you can control the weeds in your lawn all you’ll have left is grass once you’ve got your weeds under control you’ll just a beautiful lawn.

And I know what your thinking that I make it so simple and truth be known it is.

Now there are many ways you can control weeds by either using chemical controls and also organic controls.

Te organic controls work quite well on broadleaf weeds like this homemade 3 ingredient vinegar recipe you can get here.

The main problem with using vinegar as your main source of weed control in the lawn is that it will kill your lawn as well.

Using chemical control is a better way and more efficient control.

So the biggest point is if don’t know how to control weeds, you’ll never have a beautiful lawn.

And if you put more fertilizer or other types of products out, not only will your lawn appreciate it so will the weeds.

So taking care of those weeds and controlling them is one of the most important things you can ever learn.

And by taking care of your weeds will result in you getting that amazing lawn you so long for.

Now over the years we’ve tried many different types of herbicides on the market for the use on dandelions, clover and crabgrass.

And over that time we always seem to keep converting back to a tried and tested herbicide called Tenacity.

If you want to control and kill your weeds like a pro, then use what the professionals.

Tenacity Herbicide

tenacity herbicideTenacity herbicide is considered one of the best broadleaf weed killer for lawns and turf on the market today. I’ve been using it for quite a while now and I’m more than happy with the performance and results.

Tenacity works great guns on most common household weeds that are tough to get rid of and kill. Broadleaf weeds like dandelions, clover, crabgrass.

Tenacity treats over 40 different weeds and is one of the best post-emergent weed controllers on the market today.

I’ve tried those products from home depot, I tried the stuff from Lowes and none of it really worked that well.

The trouble is the products they sell aren’t really designed to do real weed control.

That is why now after using and testing so many different brands, all we ever use now for all post-emergent weed control is Tenacity.

Tenacity is professional product that has been used on golf courses for many years and now has not long became available for use to residential property.

What makes it so good is it will pretty much kill every weed you have at the home, but it won’t kill your grass.

As with everything, there is always a downside and with tenacity the downside is, there are a couple extra steps needed.

Unlike most other herbicides where you just mix some water and off you go, tenacity is best used with a surfactant and a color dye.

How to make a mix for best results

Mixing is easy and it pretty much tells you on the back of the jar a ratio for your area. But what I’ve found to be a good mix with great results is use this mix here.

You will need a sprayer that will take at least a gallon. One of these from our list of the best backpack sprayers are just perfect for post-emergent sprays and especially if you’ve got a large grassed area to look after.

Tenacity is super concentrated and will last you for years to come. The bottle itself holds 8fl. oz. and will treat around 2 acres.

It comes with its own syringe so you can measure out exactly the amount needed for every application.

Tenacity works differently to say roundup. Where roundup will kill the weeds as well as your lawn, tenacity will only kill the weeds.

Sure if you overdose the weeds then it can affect the grass around the area but as a general rule and following the guidelines you’ll have no worries at all.

It does take a little time to start seeing the results, usually around 2 to 3 weeks you’ll notice the weeds will be turning white and pretty much there dead.

See what others are saying about Tenacity herbicide by clicking on the link below…