How To Get Rid Of Weeds Without Killing Grass

Trying to develop the best lawn is achieved only by using the best weed killer that won’t kill grass.

While most home improvement stores offer a variety of weed killers, many of these options will still kill the grass while spraying. Below are the different variables to consider when making your purchase.

Killing Weeds in Lawn Without killing Grass: How To Choose the Best Weed Killer For Lawns

Before you choose the right weed killer, there are certain aspects to consider when you are making a choice on which product to use.

The goal is to kill and eradicate this problem so that it does not return and continue to pester your lawn shortly.

Below are the different variables to consider when you make that decision.

Chemical Differences in Weed Killer Products

The difference in the chemicals in your weed killer could be the difference in the choices that you make.

The goal is not to kill the grass with the along with the weeds, so the chemicals used must not be potent to your grass.

Chemicals like two 4-D can kill wild grass, weeds, and other unwanted visitors on your lawn.

Grass types like centipede and fescue can resist the effects of this herbicide, making it an ideal option.

The Application Process

Not only are the chemicals in your weed killer essential, but how it is applied can be the difference in which option you choose.

Does it have a handheld sprayer?

Is it already mixed?

Some weed killers require an additional step of mixing with water and then applying, while others come ready to use for your convenience.

Handling weed killers is not something that everyone is comfortable with, so having to take one or more additional steps could be the difference in the product that you choose.

If the weed killer that you choose requires additional steps to mix and apply it to your lawn, you may want to have someone who has experience with these chemicals come and use it for you.

If you do not have a lot of experience with herbicides and not familiar with the handling of these products, you should not take the risk.

Some of these weed killer options, however, are easy to apply and can be done so safely.

Long-Term Effect of the Chosen Weed Killer

best weed killer for large areasWhen you are choosing your weed killer, you are looking for something that is going to last for a long time.

Not only will it kill the existing weeds on your lawn, but you want it to act as a preventative, as well.

The goal is to keep some around to spray when needed, but it should not be something that you have to do regularly.

If you have to do this more frequently than you expected, then it hasn’t killed the problem but instead just patched it up a bit.

The best weed killers are going down to the root and killing the weed.

Family-Friendly Weed Killer

Family-Friendly Weed KillerFor many of these products, it is essential to know how it will affect your personal life after the application.

Will your pets and your children be affected by the product you choose?

You need to be sure how safe it is after it is applied.

Some products require that pets and children refrain from the area for a certain period.

Be sure to know how long that period is before you make a purchase.

For pets who frequent that area daily or even several times a day, a product that is safe sooner than others may be the right option for your family.

It is also essential to know if there are any long-term side effects to using this product.

How it affects your lawn and those who come into contact with it over time is essential information.

Some grounds are not used as much as others, having increased traffic regularly.

Weighing the Pros and Cons of Product Options

Before you make a purchase, you need to determine the pros and cons of each product.

Not all of the products are the same, and they each come with different factors and variables that work for each customer.

For example, what exactly will they kill?

Is it harmful to your desired plants and flowers on the lawn?

Will you have to keep your pet away for an extended period due to the exposure?

These kinds of pros and cons are essential because the weed killer you use will have an impact on your daily life.

Once you apply it to the designated area, you need to know if your kids and pets can play or if this is something that should be used during low traffic areas and how long to keep off of the lawn after the application.

Best Weed Killer That Won’t Kill Grass:

Tenacity Herbicide

tenacity herbicideOne of the leading weed killers on the market, Tenacity weed killer is a product used as both a pre-emergence of weeds and post-emergence of weeds on your lawn.

During its first application, it is often used as a post-emergence and should have rain in the days following.

If there has not been raining for at least ten days, then additional irrigation is required to complete the application.

A second application for pre-emergence will be necessary for the following 2-3 weeks to ensure that the weeds are not returning to the lawn.


  • Available for all lawns. Various types of grass, such as fescue, centipede, and Kentucky bluegrass, are protected when using this product.
  • Targets hard to kill weeds. Crabgrass, chickweed, and others are targeted and eliminated with the use of this weed killer.
  • Long-lasting: Not only does it require minimal applications, but it also has a lengthy shelf-life for 3-5 years so that you can use the remaining product as needed.


  • This is one of the more expensive weed killer options. The cost of one application of this weed killer could equal several applications of other weed killer options.
  • One bottle is considered an application at 8oz. This is a small amount of weed killer for one purchase.

SedgeHammer + Herbicide

SedgeHammer + HerbicideTaking on a nutsedge and other unwanted weeds are SedgeHammer + herbicide.

This weed killer protects grass, shrubs, and trees when applied to the affected area.

This weed killer comes in packets and is mixed with 1 gallon of water per pack.

Each mixture can treat up to 1000 square feet.

The active ingredient in SedgeHammer * Herbicide is halosulfuron-methyl.


  • Cost: Affordable compared to other weed killer options. One application is a fraction of the cost of competitors.
  • Quantity Options: Because this product comes in packets, you can purchase different amounts to fit your needs.
  • Easy to use: This product is as easy as mixing with a gallon of water and then using right away.


  • Lack of Active Ingredient: The active ingredient in the product is only 5% of the entire formula. This is a small percentage compared to other products and their active ingredients.
  • Multiple applications required: Lack of active ingredient requires additional applications of the product. This could prove to be inconvenient and use lots of time.
  • Not efficient for all customers: Those with large areas and acreage will not find the 1000sq foot application of this product to be ideal.

Trimec 992 Broadleaf Herbicide

Purchased in a jug, Trimec 992 Broadleaf Herbicide is a professional grade weed killer that eliminates the presence of weeds in your lawn and keeps them from returning.

It can be used at the residential and commercial levels for lawn treatment.

It has several active ingredients in the formula, making up over 40% of the solution.


  • This product can be used either with a handheld sprayer or mixed in a tank with iron and sprayed across more extensive lawns.
  • It has a high percentage of active ingredients, which means fewer applications for pre-emergence treatment.
  • It can be used on both warm and cool kinds of grass, protecting most of them from common weeds.
  • It is pet safe and can be used on family-friendly homes.
  • The size of the jug makes it an excellent option for large properties when mixed with water and then applied to the affected area.


  • Requires licensure to purchase and use this product due to the nature of the chemicals.
  • It is limited to the states where it can be purchased and used due to its contents.
  • It is not safe for customers with St. Augustine grass on their lawn.
  • There is a steep price for this product compared to other weed killer options that are available for anyone to use.

Gordons Trimec Classic Broadleaf Herbicide

Designed with post-emergence treatment in mind, Gordons Trimec Classic Broadleaf Herbicide is used professionally to eradicate weeds from lawns.

It is used primarily for ornamental lawns and turfgrass, keeping large areas like gold courses clear of unwanted weeds, with several active ingredients making up nearly 40% of the formula.


  • The quality of this weed killer compared to others is higher due to its professional-grade and the high volume of active ingredients.
  • This weed killer is easy to mix and then apply to the affected areas on the lawn.
  • It can be purchased in one gallon or 2.5-gallon options, giving customers with different property sizes options to consider.
  • This weed killer is cost-efficient compared to other options with the same amount of herbicide.
  • The odor on this weed killer is not as significant as other options.


  • This product is not available in all states, and some states require only licensed professionals to purchase this weed killer. This reduces its availability to a customer base.
  • This product was formulated with commercial and industrial needs in mind, which is why it may not be the best option for residential homes and lawns.

Q4 Plus Turf Herbicide

Designed with cool-season grasses in mind, Q4 Plus Turf Herbicide keeps weeds and other unwanted growth out of your lawn.

It is a  water-based application that is mixed and applied to the lawn area with the weeds.

It can also be used as pre-emergence, controlling the weeds and preventing their return while the cool-season grass is growing.

Four active ingredients combined make up just over 20% of the weed killer formula.


  • Ideal for cool-season grass: This product is designed to eliminate nutsedge and other weeds commonly found in cool-season grasses.
  • The visual response of this product, when applied to the weeds, is quick, with weeds starting to brown and die in just a couple of hours.
  • The product is available in different sizes to fit different lawn needs, including golf courses.


  • This product will not manage weed control on warm-weather grass options. It can only be applied in temperatures up to 90 degrees. Using this product at that temperature or higher will not yield results.
  • There is a risk of temporary injury to turfgrass on golf courses due to the sensitivity to the active ingredients in this formula.

Tenacity Herbicide is the Clear Winner

After comparing the leading weed killers available, it is clear that tenacity weed killer herbicide is the best weed killer that won’t kill grass.

First and foremost, the chemicals used in this product are safe to use and will not have adverse effects on the lawn.

It is also family-friendly, safe for children and pets playing on the property.

Tenacity herbicide is also available to use and easy to apply.

A single bottle mixed with 30 gallons of water can cover an entire acre of grass.

For most customers, this is equivalent to one application, getting it done once instead of having to make multiple applications.

When comparing the pros and cons of this product, the only drawback was the cost and bottle size.

Compared to the safety and convenience of this product, the size and cost are worth it to get a product that works for you and your lawn, whether you have cool-season or warm-season grass.